This is my first website! I created it as a learning experience and to showcase my software. I built it in Blazor using the MudBlazor component library, and it's hosted on Azure App Services. Despite how early it is in development, I've already started learning a lot; I spent about 2 days trying to use dependency injection to get an HTTPClient for making web requests, it turns out the reason it wasn't working was actually because I didn't understand the component lifecycle, but I fixed it now. I've just started working on SEO so that the search result isn't a complete mess, and after that I think I'm going to finally focus on styling a bit more. Finally, I'm hoping to add a backend and an API for communication because that sounds like fun and I want to try implementing it for myself.
PipPy is a program written in python that lets you run desktop windows in Picture-in-Picture mode, similar to the feature in most browsers that you might see while watching a YouTube video. This is most useful for watching local video in a desktop video player. When running, it hides in the background waiting for a hotkey to be pressed. It then manipulates the Style Flags of the target window using WinApi to make it floating, borderless, and pinned to the top of the screen.
LogiPy is a python program that interfaces with the Logitech Lighting API, to allow the programatic customization of the RGB lights on logitech keyboards. As the API can only be used by one program at a time, it takes full control of it. It then acts somewhat like a message broker, allowing other programs to issue lighting change commands over a local port, translating those commands and then sending them to the Logitech Lighting API. This means multiple different programs can make changes to the lighting at the same time without conflicts over control of the API.